

With the support of a great donor, we have been running a food program at Makonjemare Primary School for several years now. Food is a daily concern and a very expensive thing. Calculate: 300 children x € 0.50 per day x 3 days... We need almost € 500 per week for this school alone to feed all mouths. And even then it's 'only' 3 meals a week. We tried smaller portions but that didn't work. The hunger was too great. And be honest: could you live on three lunches a week?

We would like to make some critical comments about this project. Of course we have evaluated this project with the school and LF Kenya, but also within our own board. Because how do you keep this up and is this the right help? So, yes, of course we strive to make the children, the community, the school, not dependent on our food aid. Of course we strive to teach them how to grow their own food. And that seemed to work, were it not for the fact that the enormous drought that has plagued Kenya for a few years now does not exactly contribute to the growth and flowering of everything that has been sown. So additional food aid will remain necessary.

During the last working visit (October 2022), our chairman, together with Jackline from our office in Kilifi, had a good conversation with the Deputy Governor of Kilifi County. We have presented this issue as a very important agenda item and are committed to action by local authorities. We will monitor this extensively.

Until then, we need your help: for €1.50 per week, a pupil can eat three times a week. So for only € 6 per month, a child gets a nutritious hot meal at least 3 times a week. There are > 300 children at this school. Please join us and help the children of Makonjemare.